Monday, June 27, 2011


So birthdays are a big deal here in Gambia and when I told our friends Kaba and Kamas about my sister's birthday they insisted that we compose a birthday tune for her in the tribal language Mandinka. So here it goes:

Wululung Juro C Ta (Happy Birthday to you)
Wululung Juro C Ta
Wululung Juro C Ta

Chelsea Laa Wululung Juro C Taaaa

Aba Sangi Jelu Sanii (How old is she now?)
Aba Sangi Jelu Sanii
Aba Sangi Jelu Saniiiiiii

Aba Muwang Anin Lulu Sani (She is older now)
Aba Muwang Anin Lulu Sani 
Chelsea Ba ba Muwang Anin Lulu Sani (Chelsea is older now)

Alama C Mayala  (May she live long life)
Alama Chelsea C Mayala ( May Chelsea live long life)

Fo Asa Kairaba Anin Jata Kendeya Soto (May she have peace, health, and happiness in her life)

I know it sounds a little funny but they were really proud of their work so I wanted to share it with everyone!

Love you big sis! Hope you had a perfect day and I can't wait to celebrate when I get back!


  1. Looking forward to hearing you sing this when you get home!

  2. Ica/Morgan,
    That is sooo sweet of your friends to sing Wululung Juro C Chelsea! I just sang along as well. Good thing you couldn`t hear me LOL! I know Chelsea is touched by your song. Very sweet! Happy Birthday Chelsea! And happy and safe returns to you Morgan. Love you, Aunt Maribeth
